Used vehicle bought from a professional

31 décembre 2021 Equipe rédactionnelle

Used vehicle bought from a professional

the guarantee of conformity is extended from six months to one year

Garantie des vices cachés et la prescription de cinq ans


As a professional purchaser of a used vehicle suffering from any disorder, you had until now a period of six months during which any problem affecting the vehicle is presumed to exist at the time of your purchase.

In the event of non-compliance of your vehicle, the seller must: – remedy it, either by repairing or replacing it or, – if the problem cannot be remedied, return part of the sale price to you or take back the vehicle and return the full sale price to you, in addition to indemnifying you for any damage suffered.

The professional seller can not be released from this guarantee unless he demonstrates that the problem finds its cause after your purchase, that is to say of your doing, this case is however exceptional.

Now, since an ordinance of September 29, 2021, amending article L217–7 of the Consumer Code, the period of presumption of the existence of disorders on the day of the sale has been increased from six months to one year for the purchase of  » a second-hand item (as a reminder, this period is two years if the vehicle is new).

Thus, you legally benefit from a one-year « trial » period, during which you can take action against your professional seller if you cannot use your vehicle normally. It doesn’t matter whether your vehicle is old or mileage. It does not matter whether the seller has stipulated a contractual guarantee for a period of three or six months less than the legal guarantee of conformity. For one year, the presumption of non-conformity weighs on your professional seller in the event of the appearance of disorders.

What lessons can be drawn from this extended warranty? First, wait until January 1, 2022, the date of application of the ordinance, to buy a used vehicle, which will allow you to take advantage of this extended warranty.

Then, decide to buy a vehicle from a professional in order to benefit from this presumption. Indeed, the presumption of the existence of disorders on the day of the sale does not weigh on the private seller.

Admittedly the latter owes the guarantee of conformity and hidden defects, but on the condition that you demonstrate that the disorder or its germ was prior to the sale and again, provided that it does not result from normal use (Which excludes old and mileage vehicles normally maintained and driven).

These legal guarantees weighing on the private seller will therefore not apply if you do not provide this proof, and if the disorders result from normal use. Thus, buying a professional gives you a certain and extensive guarantee.

If you find yourself in the situation we have just described, it is essential that you contact the expert automotive lawyer, who will be able to advise you usefully and effectively.

Used vehicle bought from a professional

Contact téléphone 02 51 05 38 23 et Mail :



SELARL SIRET & Associés – RCS LA ROCHE SUR YON 390 567 519 – Numéro d’Identification Intracommunautaire FR 90390567519

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Avocat vice caché automobile
Avocat vice apparent
Avocat vice difficilement perceptible sans démontage
Avocat vice de fabrication
Avocat vice de conception
Avocat carrosserie structure
Avocat oxydation carrosserie
Avocat corrosion perforante carrosserie
Avocat Déformation de longeron
Avocat défaut d’étanchéité de toit
Avocat défaut de la pompe à huile
Avocat défaut de la pompe d’injection
Avocat défaut du système de freinage
Avocat défectuosité du moteur
Avocat rupture d’une bielle Fuite des injecteurs
Avocat défaillance de la fixation des soupapes
Avocat manque de fiabilité
Avocat défaut de direction
Avocat consommation excessive d’eau


Avocat problèmes de vices cachés
Avocat tromperie professionnel automobile
Obligation de sécurité de résultats du garagiste
Obligation de moyens du contrôleur technique
Professionnel de la vente et de la réparation automobile
Présomption de vice antérieur à la vente
Vice en germe lors de la vente
Dépôt vente Mandataire Mécanicien
Avocat vibrations excessives
Avocat courroie de distribution,
Avocat défaut du volant moteur
Avocat kilométrage trop important
Avocat corrosion du plancher et de la coque
Avocat moteur émettant des fumées importantes
Avocat tromperie, falsification du compteur kilométrique
Avocat droit automobile
Avocat litiges garagiste
Avocat consommation excessive d’huile


Clause de non garantie
Remboursement des prix
Remboursement des frais et des honoraires
Expert judiciaire ou amiable
Protection juridique Vendée
Assurance de protection juridique
Véhicule de collection en état de rouler
Usure anormale du véhicule
Avocat boîte de vitesses
Obligation d’information de l’acheteur
Vices difficilement perceptibles sans démontage
Pourparlers, prolongation du délai de deux ans
Prescription quinquennale
Réitération de panne auto moto
Frais d’Immobilisation automobile
Frais de gardiennage auto
Valeur de remplacement véhicule
Véhicule de remplacement ou véhicule de location
Litiges sur facture d’entretien
